Making A Difference
since 2001

Web Design

For us, web design is easy and with 23 years experience, we know what we're doing! But it's really not rocket science.

What makes a good website?

See - we told you it was easy. So let's look at this in a little more detail.




We've all seen those websites where you can't figure out where you are and what you're looking for. Sometimes these can look amazing - but what's the point if your existing or potential customers can't find what they need?

It's critical to consider how and why your customers will interact with your website. From this, navigation should be simple, elegant, unobtrusive and yet obvious.



Business Representation

If you sell apples, don't fill your site with oranges.

That seems obvious, but so many get it wrong. Your website needs to reflect your business and your brand. It needs to demonstrate exactly what you're about and how you're better than you're competitors.

We can help you there. After a brief chat, we identify your needs and present you with the solutions. It's what we do.



Responsive Design

With responsive web design, a website literally changes shape to accommodate the shape and size of the screen being used to view it. Images and text automatically shrink or expand, but in an elegant what that still maintains the intended inherent beauty of the design.

Through responsive designs, the same website can function on a variety of devices, from computers to mobile phones, and still provide you with all the features and requirements you'd expect.



Search Engine Optimisation

At gWeb, we have a term for a website that doesn't function well on search engines - 'Not ours.'

We find it incredible that some companies charge extra for search engine optimisation or, worse, think about it at the end of the build.

At gWeb, we build around it. From day one we plan how the site will appear to Google, Yahoo and other search engines. The structure, the content, even the images - it all plays a part. We don't just randomly throw things together - we plan it carefully and get it right.



Return On Investment

A website is not an expense, it's an investment. Those companies that turn over the responsibility for their businesses internet presence to amateurs fail to grasp that this very act will cost them more in the long run than any design fee could. The loss of existing customers. The loss of potential customers. The growth of competitors.

When a website is build correctly, it's a true asset. And like other assets on the Balance Sheet, it should increase the overall worth of any business, most particularly by helping that company grow.



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We don't often advertise. Our loyal and satisfied clients have said more about us than an advertising consultant ever could.

Contact us now and find out why